Are you pregnant and don't know what to do? The Life Movement can help!

If you’re pregnant, and it’s unexpected, you might feel completely overwhelmed. You have some of the biggest decisions of your life ahead of you, and you might be making them on your own.

Some women know right away they want to keep their baby, and some women already have an abortion plan all figured out. The important thing to remember is that this is your choice to make and it doesn’t have to be rushed.

You can, and should, take enough time to educate yourself about all your options. The only true choice is a fully informed choice.

While you are thinking through your options, it can be helpful to visualize each option. Think about how today’s decision will make you feel now, and try to think about how you’ll feel about it five years from now.

In alphabetical order, here are the most common options.

Abortion – Of all your choices, this is the most immediately permanent. That’s something to keep in mind if you’re undecided. It’s also something to think about if you’re feeling pressured into making a decision. While lots of people around you may have opinions on what you should do, you’re the person who will live with whatever you choose to do.

If you decide you want an abortion, here are a few questions to ask yourself.

* Have I taken a pregnancy test yet?

* Have I received enough information to be confident in my choice?

* Have I had an ultrasound to see if my pregnancy is viable?

Adoption – This is a decision that can be made any time in your pregnancy, all the way up to birth. It can even be made right after you have your baby if you’re undecided for that long. There are several different kinds of adoption, and it can be helpful to learn about each type to see if any fit your situation.

If you decide you want an adoption, here are some questions to ask yourself:

* Have I confirmed my pregnancy by both pregnancy test and ultrasound? This is important in helping you determine that you’re pregnant and how far along you are. It’s also helpful to make certain your pregnancy is viable and will likely carry to term.

* Do I understand the different types of adoption and my rights before and after?

* We facilitate low cost adoptions. We can help you connect to the appropriate people who will be able to give you more information, and help you know all of your rights. 

Parenting – This is a decision that can be made all the way through pregnancy. You will have plenty of time to educate yourself and prepare if this is the choice you decide to make. Some common concerns are how you’ll get all the items a baby would need, and how you’ll support yourself and a baby once he or she arrives.

If you decide you want to parent, here are some questions to ask yourself:

* Have I had a pregnancy test and ultrasound? This is important in helping you determine that you’re pregnant, how far along you are, and that your pregnancy is viable.

* Do I need any help? Some women are in a position to purchase what they need on their own. Most women might need a little (or a lot) of help. There are over 2,000 organizations in the United States, and many more around the world, who help women and families with anything from baby bottles and diapers, to peer and professional counseling, and even housing.

Many women facing an unexpected pregnancy move immediately to the two most common options: parenting and abortion. But the third option, adoption, is often overlooked.

Some of this is because movies and television have misrepresented what adoption really is, and some of it is because it’s difficult to picture bringing a baby into the world and then placing that baby with another family.

You might have concerns like, “What if that family didn’t take good care of my baby?” or, “What if I live the rest of my life wondering what happened to my child?”

Those are normal questions, but they don’t necessarily mean adoption isn’t right for you. All they prove is that you already have maternal feelings for the baby inside you.

It means that you are already becoming a loving mother, whether you will raise your child or entrust him or her to a loving adoptive family.

One thing that is helpful to know is that there are three common types of adoption: open, semi-open, and closed.

Open adoption

– In an open adoption, you can meet and get to know the family who will be adopting your child while you are still pregnant. You will make a plan together, and it’s possible to arrange for letters, phone calls, and even face-to-face visits. As your child grows, you can continue to stay in touch and be a regular part of his or her life, if you choose.

Semi-open adoption

– In a semi-open adoption, you can choose the adoptive parents from a profile, most often provided to you by an adoption agency. These profiles often contain pictures, references, and a personal note from the couple to help you choose a family. Any letters or contact between you and your child would take place through your relationship with the adoption agency.

Closed adoption

– In a closed adoption, you won’t meet or have contact with the adoptive parents. This option can be preferable if you’re concerned about your privacy.

If you’re considering adoption, or just want to learn more about the adoption process to see if it’s right for you, please contact us so we can connect you with more resources.

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